Art has always been the raft on to which we climb to save our sanity.
–Dorothea Tanning
About Nancy O’Hara
Nancy O’Hara’s largest canvas and her finest artistic expression – her own life – continue to be a work in progress. Moving to the Hudson Valley from New York City in 2015 added a thrilling new dimension to her artistic adventure: a playground filled with beauty and the opportunity to express with pencils, ink, pastels, crayons and paint on various surfaces what cannot be expressed with words. In 2020 Nancy received an award for her pastel painting “Falling Light” in the 34th Annual International Open Exhibition of the Pastel Society of the West Coast. In 2022 she had her first Solo Art Exhibition at the Woodstock Artists Association & Museum and has since exhibited her work in group and solo shows in the Hudson Valley, California, NYC and along the East Coast. She is also a meditation teacher, a life-coach, and the author of eight books.
Artist’s Statement
My purpose in making art is to touch the ineffable, to go beyond words into the deep belly of creativity. It is to meet myself in the wellspring and have a conversation with the viewer, to communicate in a deep and intimate way at first sight, in an instant. I strive only to be in harmony with each line, each splash of color and splatter of ink as it strikes the painting surface, to reveal what is already there. My life is my greatest work of art and the small canvases I draw on are part of my vocabulary.