Being in a summer state of mind, with all the fresh farm produce being harvested around me, I went to one of my favorite Zen poetry books for this month’s quotes, appropriately titled A Zen Harvest. Enjoy the rich bounty!


On my way to you
A thousand miles become one:
Across the wide rice field,
Just a jump—

Such single-minded concentration can produce miracles. Sometimes it transforms impossibility into possibility.

It is a great pity we are surrounded with so many things that distract and dissipate our attention. In the face of avarice which appears boundless, Zen recommends “plain living and high thinking.” To put ourselves in samadhi, it urges with Thoreau that we simplify our lives. While eating, we should maintain eating-samadhi, by not doing something else, such as watching television at the same time. Reading a newspaper will dispel shitting-samadhi. Eating and shitting are the sacred ceremonies of reception and repayment, and thanksgiving to Nature; don’t they deserve our single-minded respect? Become food! Turn into shit!
(From the introduction)


Zen Vitalism

Zen Vitalism

Attachment, desire,
Giving them up:
You’ll find the world is
All yours.


The world is
Like a mirror, you see?
Smile, and your friends
Smile back.


Dare enter into
The depth of your heart.
“Here,” says a voice:
Who says it? And where?


Though you’re trod upon,
Endure it, be patient,
Roadside weed!
Spring comes soon
And your flowers will open.


Coming or going—
I’m quite free
Just like a boat drifting
As the waves move.