Becoming Aware 1:4 – Clean Sweep Your Mind
…continued from Becoming Aware 1:3 - Mind Noise Situating Yourself: Clean Sweep Your Mind As you become aware of your busy mind, one exercise might help before you look closer and deal with what’s actually there. You can do this [...]
Mindful Quotes for March
I first read May Sarton's journal in the early 80s. I recently reread it and being now closer to the age she was when she wrote it, I had a deeper and richer experience this time. As with all great [...]
Becoming Yourself
Become the Person You Already Are If you have children or have been around children, you’ll notice that they are often quite content and satisfied to exist in their own little world, fascinated with the particular project that at any [...]
Just Sitting
Although we may find ourselves sitting down through much of the day, how many of us ever make a conscious decision just to sit? Usually, when we’re sitting, we are also driving or eating or working or watching a movie [...]
7 Steps to Loving What You Do – Discovery 1:1
Introduction What do most of us long for? A happy, healthy life? Certainly. And if you feel that you’re not yet living that, then it must follow that you are unhappy in some way. Once you acknowledge this you usually [...]
Mindful Quotes for February
February can be a challenging month, especially for those of us who are lucky to live in an area with four distinct seasons. Sometimes when it’s frigid, icy, windy weather—which we’ve had a lot of this year—I don’t feel so [...]