Becoming Aware 1:3 – Mind Noise
Situating Yourself: Mind Noise ...continued from Becoming Aware 1:2 - Busy Mind Once you start to become aware and take note of what your mind is doing, create a Quiet Corner bank (some call it a God box—if that works [...]
The Practice of Standing Still
Standing still is anathema to so many these days. Our lives are about movement, about doing, about getting someplace. We so rarely are where we are. Instead, we’re into the next thing, place, thought, or action, before we even get [...]
Caring About and For Yourself
As our society has become so enthralled with narcissism, many of us have come to believe that self-love is bad and selfish. We have done ourselves wrong here. There is nothing wrong with loving ourselves. In fact, this is necessary [...]
Mindful Quotes for January
As a new year begins and I look forward to some new and exciting possibilities, I find myself coming back to these few words of inspiration that always ground me. I hope you too can sit with these a while [...]
What Will You Leave Behind?
As the year draws to a close I look forward to spending time with family and celebrating New Year’s Eve in meditation with friends. On this last occasion of the year we will all write vows for the next year: [...]
Seppo’s Spicy Rice Bake
This has always been one of my favorites from 3 Bowls, not just because it's spicy and delicious but also because it's so simple. And it has some of my favorite foods: sweet potato, rice, black-eyed peas, collard greens - [...]