Buddha on Infidelity
Sexual misconduct creates suffering. Period. Whether we are the ones engaging in it or are the victims of it, everyone involved suffers. To understand just how corrosive and harmful this is to forming a true partnership and how it interferes [...]
Seppo’s Potato Salad
It’s summertime, which in my house means lots of salads with farm fresh vegetables, corn on the cob and veggie burgers. Or salmon on the grill when we’re in the country. And what is a real summer meal without good [...]
Only 2 Weeks Left!
Killing Sacred, the second installment in the Alex Sullivan mystery series, is set to be released in two weeks time! If you haven't already downloaded the chapter reveal, check it out here! Pre-order Killing Sacred for a special price of $1.99 [...]
Who Are We Without Our Dreams?
There are so many things in my life that I never would have experienced or accomplished without first having the dream. To name just a few: writing books; living alone in Paris for a summer; becoming a life coach and [...]
Mindful Quotes for July
On an unfamiliar road, Don’t pretend you’re Not lost. Just ask where you are: It’s a real shortcut. Japanese Folk Zen Saying “We ought to listen to music or sit and practice breathing at the beginning of every meeting or discussion.” [...]
Killing Sacred Chapter Reveal!
With Killing Sacred's release less than one month away, I have an additional treat for all current (and new!) fans: I'm revealing the fourth chapter in this newest book, which is available for pre-order now! Here's the setup: Desperate to put [...]