Free and Almost Free! Pre-order Now!
Killing Sacred Be the first to read it! $1.99 for a limited time! Preorder your ebook copy now from iBooks Barnes & Noble Before it goes on sale for the regular price of $4.99. This is the second book in [...]
Almost Ready!
I got my box of books today to send out to the forty Goodreads Giveaway winners. The writing of them seems like a distant memory. And now I know once again: there’s more to writing than just writing! It’s hard [...]
Mindful Quotes for June
“All of man’s woes derive from the fact that he cannot sit quietly in a room alone.” Blaise Pascal “As long as you are conscious of yourself, you can never concentrate on anything.” Buddha (by way of Walpola Rahula) [...]
Mindfulness in Motion
This week I received a lovely email from a reader thanking me for my book Serenity in Motion, which was first published in 2003. “I got your Serenity In Motion book many years ago, and it has been one of [...]
Win a Free Edition of One Hand Killing or Killing Sacred!
One Hand Killing and Killing Sacred, the first two books in the Alex Sullivan Zen Mystery series, are in a Goodreads Giveaway promotion. Enter to win a FREE signed paperback copy! Be the first to read Killing Sacred, before it's [...]
Black Brownies
Last week when my sister-in-law told me about a brownie recipe that her kids loved, even though they were filled with black beans (the brownies, not the kids) and had no flour, I was intrigued and had to try it. [...]