Zen Quotes for Mother’s Day
It’s always a good season for love, but spring and Mother’s Day add a deeper dimension. Love was not a word that got thrown around too much in our house when I was growing up. There were eight of us [...]
The Ritual of Saying Goodbye
There is a tribe in Thailand that has no words for hello and goodbye. I like that. For the past month I have been present to the fact that the community I have been a member of for the past [...]
Between Two Worlds
This is not an easy paper to write*. It is the day before our group meets and I continue to resist doing it, finding anything else to do but this. So, here goes. Since first signing up for the Foundations [...]
Heart Of Healing – Nancy’s Story
For me, interviews have always felt like a conversation as opposed to something more formal. I've had the privilege of being interviewed throughout my career, and it's within this audio format that the conversation comes across and offers more depth [...]
Seppo’s Pound Cake
He calls it Hummingbird, I call it delicious! I opened Three Bowls this week to select a recipe for this week’s blog and when the book fell open to this page I realized that I had never baked this one. [...]
Love Season
The love expressed between partners in our Imperfect Partners couples workshop and the trust and willingness they all have to be vulnerable in front of each other and the group, has been truly inspiring. Being witness to that is such [...]