Who Wants to Talk About Dying?
During my recent two week vacation in Vermont—gorgeous, beautiful Vermont where the weather was more like September than August, and once I adjusted and got over my complaint that “this isn’t the weather I want on my summer vacation” I had a [...]
A Day Without Sugar…
Is like a day without… You can fill in the blank. For me, it changes daily. Could be love, sun, laughter, a deep breath, a satisfying night’s sleep, a pleasant dream, a warm breeze. I’ve spent almost half my life, [...]
Does Anyone Hear My Cry?
I will soon turn over my baby to a stranger. I’m talking about my manuscript, this manuscript: Killing Sacred in Current Manuscript Form. The one for my next mystery, Killing Sacred. The one I’ve been writing between the [...]
Zen Quotes for August
Here are a few Zen quotes that have been resonating with me for August, I hope you'll find them equally as inspiring! “The occurrence of an evil thought is a malady, not to continue it is the remedy.” Zen Saying [...]
The Stone Buddha
Stone by stone, breath by breath, layer by layer, this wall was built by Barry Patch, on a country road in Connecticut where I always ride my bicycle when visiting my mother. Whatever the weather, every time I would ride [...]
I Love Carrot Cake
It’s also my husband’s favorite, but I’ve never found a recipe I love. They’re usually too sweet or too dry or too something else. So I combed through some recipes and came up with my own for Michael’s 60th birthday [...]