I was working on a blog post today about work addiction – excerpts from my book Work from the Inside Out: 7 Steps to Loving What You Do – and read this: “One of the ways we avoid looking at our life is by burying ourselves completely in our work. We live, sleep and eat work. Work defines us, shapes us, controls us. We call it passion, and others believe and even envy us. But often it is addiction.” So, I decided to take my own advice and take a break from it all for the next week.

Having Summer Fun

Having Summer Fun

I know many of you are on vacation and, even if you’re not, who wants to read about work addiction at the end of summer? I happen to love what I do, but even I can sometimes succumb to doing too much.

I’m going to have some fun this week hiking, cycling, eating great food, playing with friends, and maybe doing a little painting. I hope you all have a fabulous end of summer and do some fun things yourself. I’ll see you next week.