
About Nancy

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So far Nancy has created 227 blog entries.

Only 2 Weeks Left!

Killing Sacred, the second installment in the Alex Sullivan mystery series, is set to be released in two weeks time! If you haven't already downloaded the chapter reveal, check it out here! Pre-order Killing Sacred for a special price of $1.99 from iBooks or Barnes & Noble  before it goes on sale for the regular price of $4.99. This is [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:09-04:00July 7th, 2014|It's a Mystery|0 Comments

Who Are We Without Our Dreams?

There are so many things in my life that I never would have experienced or accomplished without first having the dream. To name just a few: writing books; living alone in Paris for a summer; becoming a life coach and working for myself; creating a loving, lasting, intimate relationship; cycling through Ireland and Mallorca. My [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:09-04:00July 3rd, 2014|Expect Nothing|0 Comments

Mindful Quotes for July

On an unfamiliar road, Don’t pretend you’re Not lost. Just ask where you are: It’s a real shortcut. Japanese Folk Zen Saying “We ought to listen to music or sit and practice breathing at the beginning of every meeting or discussion.” Thich Nhat Hanh “Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:09-04:00July 1st, 2014|Expect Nothing|0 Comments

Killing Sacred Chapter Reveal!

With Killing Sacred's release less than one month away, I have an additional treat for all current (and new!) fans: I'm revealing the fourth chapter in this newest book, which is available for pre-order now! Here's the setup: Desperate to put some distance between herself and New York City and to recover from a freak bicycle [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:09-04:00June 26th, 2014|It's a Mystery|0 Comments

Free and Almost Free! Pre-order Now!

Killing Sacred Be the first to read it! $1.99 for a limited time! Preorder your ebook copy now from iBooks Barnes & Noble Before it goes on sale for the regular price of $4.99.  This is the second book in the Alex Sullivan Zen Mystery series. One Hand Killing Download a FREE copy now iBooks Barnes & [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:09-04:00June 19th, 2014|It's a Mystery|0 Comments
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