Discovery 1:5 – Our Ordinariness
Our Ordinariness …continued from 7 Steps to Loving What You Do – Discovery 1:4 – Follow the Leader Do you compartmentalize your life? Do you have a work persona that is different from your leisure persona or the persona you [...]
Becoming Aware 1:7 – Just Sitting
…continued from Becoming Aware 1:6 – Your Quiet Voice Just Sitting While much of what we do to be in tune with our own true voice involves action, the most important activity appears on the surface to be one of [...]
Best Time to Meditate
Morning Early morning is the perfect time to begin looking for your quiet corner meditation. Getting up fifteen minutes to a half hour earlier than usual will give you plenty of time to spend on this new journey. And being [...]
Mindful Quotes for July
Nearing the end of my five-week class at the JCC, I feel inspired to post a few gems of wisdom that I share over and over again with my meditation groups, words and inspiration from ancient and contemporary masters that [...]
The Practice of Being in Motion
There is a grave misconception that serenity can only be had while meditating and that meditation can only be done in a quiet room with no distractions. Many people think that meditation is a break from life, a mind vacation, [...]
Discovery 1:4 – Follow the Leader
Follow the Leader …continued from 7 Steps to Loving What You Do – Discovery 1:3 – Things Change In Western culture we are conditioned to praise the individual on the one hand and to be like everyone else on the [...]