Becoming Aware 1:5 – Your Quiet Voice
…continued from Becoming Aware 1:4 - Clean Sweep Your Mind Your Quiet Voice Once you start clearing your mind of your nagging mind questions and storing them away, you will begin to be ready to identify your quiet voice. It [...]
Trust the Process and Breathe
Trust in the Process Whenever you are stuck, breathe. If you find yourself moving too fast, breathe. As you face an important decision, breathe. Breathing is crucial to your emotional and spiritual health. Whenever there is a question in your [...]
Just Waiting
Waiting—we all do it. We wait for the movie to start, the train to come, the weekend, our vacation. We can’t wait until we meet the “right” partner, we’re in the perfect job, or we have more money. What we’re [...]
Mindful Quotes for April
With spring on its way, the ground thawing, and perennial green matter ready to reveal itself again, a few of my favorite poetries rise to the surface of my mind. Crocuses by Toinette Lippe An enlightened being should [...]
Lemon-Poppy Seed Muffins
Do you ever wonder about certain combinations of ingredients and who first dreamed them up? For instance, who was the very first baker to blend lemons and poppy seeds to make muffins? I suppose it doesn’t really matter. What matters [...]
Discovery 1:2 The First Step
...continued from 7 Steps to Loving What You Do - Discovery 1:1 Understanding and Acceptance Have you ever noticed how people (perhaps even you) seem to hate change and yet always wish for it? This mood of dissatisfaction expresses itself [...]