Mindful Quotes for December
I often get a little sad at this time of year. I think it’s from all the expectations stored in my body from when I was a kid. Especially the expectation that something with my name on it would appear [...]
My Favorite Day of the Year
Sending blessings and good wishes to all for a safe, peaceful and delicious Thanksgiving.
Becoming Aware 1:2 – Busy Mind
Situating Yourself: Busy Mind ...continued from Becoming Aware 1:1 - What is Our Purpose? Throughout this process we will be studying our mind. We will see how it controls us and learn to what extent we have control over it. [...]
A Wave, a Book, and a Contest
This is a short story about books, a dream and a contest. The other morning I was jolted awake at the end of a dream. I was walking into water about calf deep, a sea of some sort in front [...]
Mindful Quotes for November
With the change in weather, the darkening days and the upcoming holidays, I’m feeling a little melancholy today. The words I chose to share this month resonate for me as I dwell in this mood, and I hope something here [...]
The Art of Listening
How many of us know how to really listen? Do we know how to listen to our own mind as it careens out of control and races off on some tangent or other, into the past or the future? Or [...]