Blueberry Zucchini Muffins
I made these muffins in August when freshly picked blueberries and farm fresh zucchinis were abundant. But they are just as good any time of the year using frozen organic blueberries and whatever green zucchini you can find. They can [...]
Brush Painting
I’ve always been drawn to the simplicity, elegance and beauty of Asian ink painting. There is a calmness and serenity that seems to radiate from the delicate nature of each work of art. Earlier this year, with absolutely no training, [...]
Beautiful Terror
At the recent day of mindfulness on September 28, I gave a dharma talk about opening our hearts to another, to ourselves, to love... and how terrifying that can be. I thought about it for days before. Then I spent [...]
Mindful Quotes for October
With the changing weather, leaves beginning to fall, and the holidays and winter ahead of us, even in New York City I feel surrounded by nature. The message of impermanence abounds. "Let us spend one day as deliberately as [...]
Becoming Aware 1:1- What is Our Purpose?
Situating Yourself: What is Our Purpose Here? Like everyone else, you probably are searching for something in this life to satisfy a dream, a longing, or something that you can’t even name. As you begin to read this book you [...]