The Precious Passing of Time (Zen Quotes for January)
The beginning of each New Year is a perfect time for reflection and looking forward, whether or not we’ve made a New Year’s vow, so that we might return to the present moment with gratitude and peace. Here are a [...]
With a Deep Bow of Gratitude
As the year winds down, I’d like to share with you a few reflections and gratitude for my experiences—personal and shared—in 2013. I’ve hosted some excellent silent sits, led meditation classes at the JCC, finished a rewrite of my first [...]
Waiting, Worry, and Wonder
Or, we can’t know until we know! How do we get to the calm place in the center of chaos? Waiting for news of anything—from sources we have no control over, which is just about everyone and everything that is [...]
A Formula for Happiness
"Americans who feel they are successful at work are twice as likely to say they are very happy overall as people who don’t feel that way. And these differences persist after controlling for income and other demographics. You can measure [...]
The Perfect Holiday Party Treat!
The holidays are upon us, and one thing we can count on are the fun festivities that come along with them! Whether you have a work party, friendly get-together, or family gathering to attend, you don't want to show up [...]
‘Mindfulness’ Meditation Alters Gene Expression
"... a new study conducted by researchers working in Wisconsin, Spain, and France shows that mindfulness can even affect your genes. Specifically, the study shows that mindfulness can limit the "expression" of genes associated with inflammation. "The changes were observed in genes that are [...]