Zen Quotes for October!
The first three weeks of the Buddhist Contemplative Care training have been rich, deep, and amazing, so I thought I’d share some of what struck me from the books we’ve read so far. More to come in future posts. "We all [...]
Sunday’s Half-Day Silent Sit!
Time flies like an arrow and moves much too swiftly. Although our all day sit was shortened to a half day, it was all the more intense and deep for we knew it would be over in a flash. And [...]
I Love You
I’ve been thinking about love lately and what this word means and how we use it and why we say it and need it and misunderstand it and crave it and write songs and poems about it. I wrote a short [...]
Wondrous Wisdom
Twenty-one years ago when I became a Zen Buddhist and vowed to uphold the ten precepts of Buddhism, I was given the dharma name of Myochi, which means Wondrous Wisdom. It felt like a name that would take me many lifetimes to [...]
Zen Quotes for September
I am in a writing state of mind this month, so I thought I’d share some quotes from writers. Even if you don’t write, they make sense for whatever your passion is, don’t you think? “In writing, you must kill [...]
News and Upcoming Events!
The Zen Of Building & Maintaining A Meditation Practice If you've taken one of Nancy's classes before or if you have had any instruction in meditation and would like to meet weekly with a group to help deepen your practice [...]