I Lost My Mind & Got a Fat Lip in the Process
I don’t care what anyone says, it is not possible to multitask! When I first bit down hard on the inside of my lip while eating I hardly noticed. I was absorbed in some other task at the same time. [...]
Bicycle Samadhi*
I hate riding my bike over the George Washington Bridge. Yet I do it every weekend at least once and often twice. I do it because once I get over the bridge and onto the other side, well after 10 [...]
Day 5 of 90: “My Heart Burns Like Fire”
My 90-in-90—days of writing in that many days—is already 5 days old. I’ve established a routine: so far so good. Soyen Shaku’s heart burned for his daily meditation practice, as mine does for my daily writing practice. Like him: ‘Upon [...]
90 Days of Writing in 90 Days
I’ve published my first novel—hooray for me! And I’m halfway through writing the second one. Again, hooray for me! It only took six published non-fiction books and too many years to assign an actual number to—who’s to know when I [...]
Writing Is the Easy Part
Sort of. Not really. If it were, I’d be doing more of it. But, there’s always something else to do. Yesterday, someone said that writing gets harder the longer you do it. I think he might be right. I keep [...]
OneHandKilling the e-book
I'm about ready to push the button to let the world know that I've published my first novel! Gulp! Murder in a Zen Buddhist Monastery! Not much to say except that I hope you love it and can't wait for [...]