I will soon turn over my baby to a stranger. I’m talking about my manuscript, this manuscript:

Killing Sacred in Current Manuscript Form.

Killing Sacred in Current Manuscript Form.

The one for my next mystery, Killing Sacred. The one I’ve been writing between the doings in my busy life for a few years now. The one I’ve not made a penny on and may never. The one I will pay others to edit, design, print, market, and sell if we’re lucky. And then I can begin the next one. If I were a real writer, a full time writer, a bestselling writer, I’d already have the new novel in process. I’d maybe have sketched out a mood board or an outline as I did with Killing Sacred.

It wasn’t until my third book was published that I could even refer to myself as a writer. But that was non-fiction writing. As I look back, that was easy, compared to this. What we’re talking about here is fiction, a whole other ball of words.

I do have a germ of an idea for the next in the Alex Sullivan mystery series, but nothing yet on paper. I’m a bit scared of this idea as it will kill off a character I’ve become attached to. Maybe that’s a sign he/she should go. I won’t reveal the gender here just in case someone reading  this gets  an idea of who it might be.

I know I’ve been holding on to Killing Sacred for too long, but it is my child and it is painful to let it go. It is scary to think of how it might be treated or ignored by the world. Mercury Retrograde is now over. I will choose an editor this week. I will hire a cover designer. I will begin the next book. So now it’s time to take my own advice,  as I said in my previous blog post for “The Stone Buddha,” Take a risk, leap into the darkness, and develop wings as you fall.