
About Nancy

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So far Nancy has created 227 blog entries.


When I arrived last Thursday at Garrison Institute for a four-day Contemplative Care retreat and learned that there would be 108 participants, I gulped that number in and took a stroll outside to soak in the beauty and quiet before they all arrived. As I watched them stream in, I exclaimed out loud, out of [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:14-04:00October 24th, 2013|Expect Nothing|1 Comment

Food Oscars and Sesame Currant Cookies!

I was once nominated for an Oscar! Well, not a Hollywood Oscar, but a Food Oscar. And to be totally transparent, I wasn’t actually nominated, the cookbook, 3 Bowls, that I co-authored with Zen monk Seppo Ed Farrey, was nominated. And it was Seppo’s amazing recipes that qualified our book to be nominated for the James Beard Foundation [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:14-04:00October 17th, 2013|Let's Eat|0 Comments

Meditation For Mental Illness

I've been privileged over the years to witness the truth of this and watch as students recover from anxiety and depression by way of meditation. The hardest part for most people is trusting that it can work and then making a commitment to daily practice. It works, it really does! So to recognize world mental [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:14-04:00October 15th, 2013|Expect Nothing|0 Comments

God is in the Not Knowing

Prior to enrolling in the NYZCCC Foundations course I had a rich, satisfying and rewarding life and wasn’t even sure why I decided to add this work to my full plate. But after twenty-eight years of sobriety and twenty-five years of Zen practice I’ve learned not to resist going where my higher self leads me, and taking on [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:14-04:00October 10th, 2013|Expect Nothing|0 Comments
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