Becoming Aware 1:6 – First Things First
…continued from Becoming Aware 1:5 – Your Quiet Voice First Things First Often the hardest thing about starting anything new, challenging, or creative, like embarking on this Quiet Corner journey, is simply that—starting. Our mind, our doubts, our fears, the [...]
Mindful Quotes for June
I finally finished unpacking and shelving all my books after our move to the country. In doing so I rediscovered so many jewels that were sitting unseen on my bookshelves and I now have a new pile to read and [...]
Quiet Corner Creativity
What Is a Quiet Corner? A moment in time, a place in time, a breath. A quiet corner can be found anywhere, can be created anytime. It is an attitude, an outlook. It can be found in your particular approach [...]
Being Patient
No matter how quickly we want things to change or how much we want things, people, or situations to be different than they are or how much we want, period, the wisest choice is usually to do nothing. This is [...]
Mindful Quotes for May
We’ve moved out of New York City! My home for more than 40 years! I haven’t been on my site, on Twitter or FB for almost two weeks. I never understood why moving was always on the top of any [...]
Discovery 1:3 – Things Change
…continued from 7 Steps to Loving What You Do – Discovery 1:2 Few of us deny that the natural events in life—birth, death, illness, and aging—cause us pain, grief and sorrow. We accept that these occurrences are natural, yet each [...]