
Being Patient

No matter how quickly we want things to change or how much we want things, people, or situations to be different than they are or how much we want, period, the wisest choice is usually to do nothing. This is the ultimate being-still practice. Doing nothing seems like just that: nothing. Perhaps on the surface [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:07-04:00May 22nd, 2015|Expect Nothing|2 Comments

Caring About and For Yourself

As our society has become so enthralled with narcissism, many of us have come to believe that self-love is bad and selfish. We have done ourselves wrong here. There is nothing wrong with loving ourselves. In fact, this is necessary before we can truly love another. Let’s try to put aside the old myths and [...]

By |2016-10-22T08:21:08-04:00January 16th, 2015|Find a Quiet Corner|0 Comments
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