Trust in the Process
Whenever you are stuck, breathe. If you find yourself moving too fast, breathe. As you face an important decision, breathe. Breathing is crucial to your emotional and spiritual health. Whenever there is a question in your mind about what to do next or how to do it, just breathe. Sooner or later, the solution will appear. While we’d all like it sooner, we may find that later is more often the rule. And that’s what makes this so hard. So many of us never give later a chance. But later always comes, if it’s not sooner. So breathe and trust in the process.
Finding Your Quiet Corner
Tension and stress have an impact on our breathing, and our breath often stops at our diaphragms. We are literally cut in half by this manner of breathing, as a significant area of our body gets no oxygen. You can easily correct this and learn to breathe deep into your body, sending oxygen to your whole being. Begin with the three-part deep-breathing exercises, sending your breath deep into your abdomen. As you exhale each breath, begin to count each exhalation. Focus on your breathing and nothing else.
Inhale slowly and gradually, filling up each section of your chest. Count as you exhale, and let each count last the length of your exhalation: o-o-o-on-n-n-ne-e. Now slowly inhale again and on the next exhalation, count two. Again. Inhale. Exhale. Count three. This is all it takes to begin the process. Practice this three-part, three-breath breathing every day. If you can, practice throughout the day. As you read this, remember to breathe.
When breathing remains shallow, resistance to change rises and the search for a quiet corner may never begin. Practice your breathing. You will open up. Your world will open up. You’ll find corners where there once was nothing. Your awareness of your surroundings will heighten. Your outlook will change. Breathe slowly and deeply.
For a while, you may only find the time to practice your breaching. That’s okay. It’s a beginning and it’s calming and will lead to peace. If you are determined, your day will soon open up to include more. So breathe away.
plus, it’s free! aaahhhhhhhhhhhh……………..thanks