Zen Quotes for December!
“You will not find God in an abstract idea. This is something very important. God is here for us through very concrete things.” Thich Nhat Hanh “One must not be blasphemous toward gods in whom one has no faith.” [...]
Mindfulness and Meditation Can Improve Health
It's lovely to stumble upon a interview, and even audio, promoting the benefits of mindfulness and meditation! Check out an excerpt here and click the link below for the full interview! “Meditation is a practice, that’s why we call it [...]
The Gift of Life and Death
Many years ago I was interviewed on TV for one of my books. The last, rather surprising question was: What is the secret of life? Without thought or hesitation I answered: Breath. Even before my father took his last breath [...]
Meditation May Slow Progression of Alzheimer’s
"I think this study offers a very useful component of therapy for these patients, for several reasons," David Geldmacher, MD, professor and Patsy and Charles Collat Scholar in Neuroscience in the Division of Memory Disorders and Behavioral Neurology at the [...]
Seppo’s Tofu Corn Chowder
This soup by Seppo was created too late to make our 3 Bowls cookbook, but it’s become a favorite of mine especially for large gatherings like Sunday’s All Day Sit. It’s a comforting soup for the fall with its array [...]
5 Ways to Get Your Meditation Practice on Track!
Sometimes the beginning is the hardest part of any task. Check out what Huffington Post suggests to help you begin, and maintain, your meditation practice! "1. Make a Contract with Yourself There's this funny thing about the brain. It wants [...]